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Home Improvements

Home Design Trends for Coming Years

Home Design Trends for Coming Years

A lot has changed in just a few months, and for many that includes the idea of what a 'dream home' looks like. Not long ago, buyers were showing preference toward smaller homes and open concept spaces conducive to gathering. After a few months cooped up inside, those features don't seem so appealing - and developers have taken note. "While the coronavirus still rages on, it's hard to predict what...

Your Essential Lawn Care Guide

Your Essential Lawn Care Guide

Tired of looking out the window at your dull, dormant lawn? A little prep now will give you a green lawn all summer long. Rake First things first, gently rake leaves, twigs, and dead grass off your lawn, and remove snow mold if you live in colder climates. This allows air and sunlight to reach down to the grass roots. Avoid power-raking, as hacking away at the ground can damage shallow grasses and good...

Home Improvements You Should Avoid During the COVID-19

Home Improvements You Should Avoid During the COVID-19

Quarantine means spending way more time at home—and for some people, that also means noticing everything you want to change about your space. But is now a good time to take on a major renovation project? Probably not, experts say. “If you’re not already in the middle of a renovation, I don’t think right now is the time to start a big project,” says Katie Kurtz, a real estate agent in...

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